Top Services

/Top Services
Top Services 2017-06-11T14:01:49+00:00

Top Services

1. 100% of our customers use Daily morning clipping containing information from print and electronic media

2. 80% of our customers use Event clipping – service that provides complete information about what media have published about their press conference, press release, presentation and how they published information

3. 60% of our customers use the service Clips. In addition to current information, we have an archive of video and audio materials of all published information on television and radio from the past 5 years

4.  Service with the fastest growth: AVE analysis. Enables display of the value of publishing in the media depending on the cost of second / square centimeter / internet publication in any medium. Precisely: how much would cost your publications when you would have paid the price for advertising

Contact information:

Phones for contact:

+389 2 3094 025
+389 70 268 208